Usage-Based Insurance (UBI): Revolutionizing the Auto Insurance Industry

In a world driven by data and technology, the insurance industry is no exception to the transformative power of innovation. One such innovation that has been making waves in the auto insurance sector is Usage-Based Insurance (UBI). This revolutionary approach to insurance is changing the way we view and manage our car insurance policies. In this article, we’ll dive deep into UBI, exploring its concept, benefits, challenges, and its potential to reshape the auto insurance landscape.

Understanding UBI

Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) is a groundbreaking approach to auto insurance that has gained significant traction in recent years. It represents a departure from traditional insurance models, where premiums are primarily determined by demographic factors and historical driving records. In this section, we will delve into the core principles of UBI, its underlying technology, and how it is transforming the insurance landscape.

The Essence of UBI

At its core, UBI is all about personalization. It takes into account individual driving behavior and real-time data to determine insurance premiums. Instead of relying solely on age, gender, or past accidents to calculate rates, UBI considers how, when, and where you drive. This shift towards personalized insurance offers several benefits to policyholders and insurance companies alike.

Telematics Technology

The driving force behind UBI is telematics technology. Telematics devices, often referred to as “black boxes,” are small gadgets that can be easily installed in your vehicle. These devices are equipped with sensors and GPS technology to collect a wide range of data related to your driving habits. Some of the key data points include:

  • Speed: Telematics devices record your speed while driving, helping insurance companies assess how often you exceed speed limits.
  • Acceleration and Braking: Information about how smoothly you accelerate and brake is crucial for determining your driving behavior. Sudden stops and rapid acceleration can be indicators of risky driving.
  • Time and Location: The time of day and your location when driving are also factors in UBI calculations. For instance, driving during rush hour in a high-traffic area might be considered riskier.

Real-Time Data Analysis

Once the telematics device is installed in your vehicle, it starts collecting data from every trip you make. This data is transmitted securely to your insurance company, where it undergoes thorough analysis. Advanced algorithms and analytics are employed to assess your driving behavior, creating a comprehensive profile of your habits on the road.

Personalized Premiums

One of the primary advantages of UBI is the potential for cost savings. By analyzing your driving data, insurance companies can tailor your premiums to your specific behavior behind the wheel. If you are a safe and responsible driver, you are likely to see reductions in your insurance costs. This incentive for safer driving not only benefits policyholders but also contributes to overall road safety.

Moreover, UBI promotes fairness in insurance pricing. Traditional models often led to safe drivers subsidizing the costs of riskier drivers. With UBI, each policyholder’s premiums are directly linked to their driving behavior. This means that those who pose a higher risk due to reckless driving will pay higher premiums, while cautious drivers enjoy more affordable coverage.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Another noteworthy aspect of UBI is its adaptability. It allows for adjustments in real-time, reflecting changes in your driving behavior. If you were once considered a risky driver but have improved your habits, your premiums can decrease accordingly. This flexibility encourages policyholders to actively engage in safer driving practices, ultimately benefiting both individuals and society as a whole.

UBI represents a shift towards a more personalized, data-driven approach to auto insurance. By harnessing the power of telematics technology and real-time data analysis, it offers policyholders the opportunity for reduced premiums, fair pricing, and safer roads. As UBI continues to evolve, it is essential to explore not only its benefits but also the challenges and considerations it brings to the table. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into these aspects and discuss the challenges and future prospects of UBI in greater detail.

How UBI Works

Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) is not just a novel concept but also a technological marvel that has the potential to revolutionize the auto insurance industry. To understand how UBI works, it’s essential to delve into the mechanics of this innovative approach, which relies heavily on telematics technology and real-time data analysis.

Step 1: Installation of Telematics Device

The foundation of UBI lies in the installation of a telematics device in the insured vehicle. This device, often referred to as a “black box,” is a small, unobtrusive gadget that can be plugged into the vehicle’s onboard diagnostics (OBD-II) port. The OBD-II port is a standardized connector present in most modern vehicles, making it accessible for a wide range of policyholders.

The telematics device is equipped with a variety of sensors and communication technology, allowing it to collect and transmit data related to the vehicle’s performance and the driver’s behavior.

Step 2: Data Collection

Once the telematics device is securely connected to the OBD-II port, it begins its work. During every trip the insured vehicle makes, the device collects a wealth of data, including:

  • Speed: The device records the vehicle’s speed throughout the journey, helping to evaluate whether the driver consistently adheres to speed limits.
  • Acceleration and Braking: It monitors how smoothly the driver accelerates and brakes, detecting sudden, aggressive maneuvers.
  • Distance Traveled: The device keeps track of the total distance covered by the vehicle during each trip.
  • Time of Day: Data regarding the time of day when the vehicle is in use is also recorded. This information is crucial as it can indicate whether the driver frequently travels during high-risk hours, such as late at night.
  • Location: The device utilizes GPS technology to pinpoint the exact location of the vehicle during each trip. This data can reveal whether the driver frequents high-traffic or accident-prone areas.

Step 3: Data Transmission and Analysis

The data collected by the telematics device is securely transmitted to the insurance company’s servers. Once received, the data undergoes comprehensive analysis using advanced algorithms and data analytics tools. These algorithms assess the driver’s behavior and risk profile based on the collected data.

The analysis not only considers individual driving habits but also identifies patterns and trends over time. This thorough evaluation allows insurance companies to make accurate assessments of risk associated with each policyholder.

Step 4: Personalized Premiums

The ultimate goal of UBI is to offer personalized insurance premiums tailored to the individual policyholder’s driving behavior. Insurance companies use the insights gained from the data analysis to determine the appropriate premium for each driver.

Policyholders who consistently exhibit safe and responsible driving habits, such as obeying speed limits, avoiding sudden stops, and driving during low-risk hours, are often rewarded with lower premiums. This incentive encourages drivers to adopt safer behaviors on the road.

Conversely, policyholders with riskier driving habits, such as frequent speeding or aggressive driving maneuvers, may see their premiums adjusted upward to reflect the increased risk they pose. This dynamic pricing model ensures that each driver pays a premium that accurately reflects their level of risk, fostering fairness in insurance pricing.

In summary, the working principle of UBI is built upon the installation of telematics devices, real-time data collection, sophisticated data analysis, and the determination of personalized premiums. This innovative approach not only benefits policyholders by potentially reducing their insurance costs but also encourages safer driving habits, ultimately contributing to improved road safety. As we delve deeper into UBI, we will explore its many benefits, challenges, and the potential it holds for the future of auto insurance.

Benefits of UBI

Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) has garnered attention for its ability to transform the traditional auto insurance landscape. It offers a multitude of benefits to both policyholders and insurance companies, making it a win-win innovation that is reshaping the industry.

1. Cost Savings

One of the most significant advantages of UBI is the potential for cost savings. Traditional auto insurance premiums are typically based on generalized risk factors such as age, gender, and driving history. In contrast, UBI takes a personalized approach by assessing individual driving behavior and adjusting premiums accordingly.

Safe and responsible drivers who consistently adhere to speed limits, avoid sudden stops, and drive during low-risk hours are often rewarded with lower insurance premiums. This not only provides financial relief for policyholders but also serves as a strong incentive for safer driving practices. Over time, policyholders can see substantial savings on their insurance costs, making UBI an attractive option for those who prioritize safe driving.

2. Fairness

UBI promotes fairness in insurance pricing. In traditional models, safe drivers often end up subsidizing the insurance costs of riskier drivers. UBI changes this dynamic by directly linking premiums to individual driving habits. Those who pose a lower risk due to responsible driving behavior pay lower premiums, while riskier drivers are required to pay higher premiums to reflect the increased risk they present.

This shift towards fairness ensures that each policyholder pays a premium that accurately aligns with their level of risk. It eliminates the inequity of safe drivers bearing the financial burden of accidents caused by high-risk drivers, fostering a more equitable insurance system.

3. Improved Driving Behavior

Knowing that their driving habits are actively monitored can be a powerful motivator for policyholders to improve their behavior behind the wheel. UBI incentivizes responsible driving practices, such as obeying speed limits, maintaining safe following distances, and avoiding aggressive maneuvers.

As drivers strive to earn lower premiums through safe driving, the roads become safer for everyone. This positive impact on road safety can lead to a reduction in accidents and, consequently, lower insurance claims. Insurance companies benefit from fewer claims, while society as a whole enjoys safer road conditions.

4. Accurate Risk Assessment

UBI relies on real-time data and advanced analytics to assess risk accurately. By continuously monitoring driving behavior, insurance companies can make precise risk assessments for each policyholder. This data-driven approach enhances the ability to identify high-risk drivers and tailor premiums accordingly.

Accurate risk assessment also benefits insurance companies by enabling more precise pricing and risk management. This helps insurers maintain profitability while offering competitive rates to policyholders who demonstrate safe driving practices.

5. Flexibility

UBI is a dynamic insurance model that adapts to changes in driving behavior. Policyholders have the opportunity to improve their driving habits over time, which can result in lower premiums. Conversely, if a policyholder’s driving behavior becomes riskier, their premiums may be adjusted to reflect the increased risk.

This flexibility encourages policyholders to actively engage in safer driving practices. It creates a continuous feedback loop where drivers receive real-time information about their behavior and are motivated to make positive changes.

In short, UBI brings a host of benefits to the auto insurance industry. It offers cost savings, promotes fairness in pricing, encourages safer driving habits, enables accurate risk assessment, and provides flexibility for policyholders. As technology continues to advance and UBI adoption grows, the insurance landscape is evolving to become more customer-centric, data-driven, and focused on rewarding responsible driving. However, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges and considerations that come with UBI, which we will explore in subsequent sections.

Challenges of Implementing UBI

While Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) offers a host of benefits, its implementation is not without its share of challenges and considerations. These challenges range from privacy concerns to technological barriers and can significantly impact the success and adoption of UBI programs.

1. Privacy Concerns

Privacy is a paramount concern when it comes to UBI. Collecting detailed data on an individual’s driving habits, including speed, location, and even the times they use their vehicle, raises legitimate privacy concerns. Policyholders may worry that this data could be misused or shared with third parties without their consent.

To address these concerns, insurance companies must implement robust data privacy and security measures. Policies should be transparent about how the data will be used and who will have access to it. Policyholders should also have the option to opt out of data collection if they are uncomfortable with the level of monitoring.

2. Data Security

With the vast amount of sensitive driving data collected through UBI, ensuring data security is of paramount importance. The telematics devices installed in vehicles must be equipped with encryption and other security measures to protect data during transmission.

Insurance companies also bear the responsibility of safeguarding this data once it reaches their servers. Data breaches can have severe consequences, both in terms of privacy violations and potential legal liabilities. Therefore, robust cybersecurity protocols are essential to prevent unauthorized access to the data.

3. Technological Barriers

While UBI relies on cutting-edge technology, not all vehicles are equipped to support it. One major technological barrier is the availability of the OBD-II port, where the telematics device is connected. Older vehicles, in particular, may lack this port, making UBI inaccessible to a significant portion of the driving population.

Furthermore, some drivers may be hesitant to adopt UBI due to concerns about the complexity of installing and maintaining the telematics device. Insurance companies need to streamline the installation process and offer user-friendly solutions to overcome these technological barriers.

4. Driver Resistance

Resistance to UBI adoption can also be a challenge. Some drivers may be hesitant to enroll in UBI programs due to concerns about potential rate increases if their driving habits are less than perfect. This fear of higher premiums can deter individuals from trying UBI, even if they could benefit from lower rates through safe driving.

To address this challenge, insurance companies should focus on educating policyholders about how UBI works and the potential for premium reductions. Clear communication about the positive incentives for safe driving can help mitigate driver resistance.

5. Data Accuracy and Reliability

The accuracy and reliability of the data collected by telematics devices are crucial for the success of UBI programs. Inaccurate data can lead to incorrect risk assessments and premiums, which can erode trust in the system.

To overcome this challenge, insurance companies must ensure that the telematics devices they use are calibrated correctly and regularly maintained. Additionally, data quality checks and validation processes should be in place to identify and rectify any anomalies in the collected data.

6. Regulatory and Legal Considerations

UBI faces a complex regulatory landscape, as different jurisdictions may have varying rules and regulations regarding data collection and usage. Insurance companies must navigate these regulatory challenges to ensure compliance with local and national laws.

Moreover, legal considerations related to liability and data ownership can become intricate. In the event of an accident, questions may arise about the responsibility of insurance companies in using UBI data to determine fault. Clear contractual agreements and legal frameworks are necessary to address these issues.

7. Accessibility and Equity

As UBI programs become more prevalent, ensuring accessibility and equity is essential. It’s crucial that UBI remains an option for a diverse range of drivers, regardless of their socioeconomic status or the type of vehicle they own.

Insurance companies should work to make UBI accessible to all by offering solutions that accommodate various vehicle types and income levels. Ensuring that UBI benefits are not limited to a specific demographic is vital to maintain fairness and equity in the insurance industry.

8. Data Overload and Interpretation

The sheer volume of data collected through UBI can be overwhelming. Insurance companies must have the necessary infrastructure and analytical capabilities to process and interpret this data effectively.

To address this challenge, insurers should invest in advanced data analytics tools and hire skilled data scientists who can derive meaningful insights from the vast amounts of driving data. Interpreting the data correctly is essential to making accurate risk assessments and offering fair premiums.

While UBI offers numerous benefits, it is not without its challenges. Privacy concerns, data security, technological barriers, driver resistance, data accuracy, regulatory considerations, accessibility, and the interpretation of large datasets are all factors that insurance companies must address to successfully implement UBI programs. By addressing these challenges proactively, the auto insurance industry can harness the potential of UBI while ensuring the protection of privacy, data security, and equitable access for all drivers.

Customized Policies

Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) is not just about monitoring driving behavior and adjusting premiums; it also opens the door to a new era of customized insurance policies. This level of personalization is a significant departure from the one-size-fits-all approach traditionally seen in the insurance industry. In this section, we will explore how UBI is paving the way for fully customized insurance policies that cater to the specific needs and preferences of individual policyholders.

1. Tailoring Coverage to Individual Needs

One of the fundamental aspects of customized policies in the UBI model is the ability to tailor coverage to individual needs. Traditional auto insurance policies often offer a fixed set of coverage options, leaving policyholders with limited choices. However, UBI allows policyholders to select coverage options that align with their preferences and circumstances.

For example, a policyholder who primarily uses their vehicle for short commutes within the city may choose coverage that focuses on urban driving risks, such as accidents in traffic or parking lot collisions. On the other hand, someone who frequently takes long road trips may opt for coverage that provides additional protection during highway travel.

This level of customization ensures that policyholders are not paying for coverage they do not need. It also allows them to have more control over their insurance costs, as they can select the coverage options that best match their lifestyle and driving habits.

2. Pay-Per-Use Insurance

UBI opens the door to innovative insurance models, including pay-per-use insurance. This concept is particularly appealing to individuals who do not drive frequently or have multiple vehicles that are not in constant use.

Pay-per-use insurance allows policyholders to pay premiums based on the actual usage of their vehicles. Instead of paying a fixed monthly or annual premium, they are charged only when they use their cars. This model offers significant cost savings for infrequent drivers and provides a flexible insurance solution.

For instance, if someone has a second car that is rarely driven, they can choose to insure it under a pay-per-use UBI policy. This way, they are not burdened with hefty premiums for a vehicle that spends most of its time parked.

3. Event-Based Coverage

Customized policies in UBI also extend to event-based coverage. Traditional insurance policies often lack flexibility when it comes to coverage for specific events or circumstances. UBI changes this by allowing policyholders to add temporary coverage for specific situations.

For example, a policyholder planning a cross-country road trip can opt for event-based coverage that provides additional protection during the trip. This coverage may include roadside assistance, rental car reimbursement, and coverage for unforeseen incidents while traveling.

Once the trip is over, the policyholder can easily remove the event-based coverage, returning to their standard UBI policy. This flexibility ensures that policyholders have the right coverage when they need it without having to commit to long-term changes in their insurance policies.

4. Usage-Driven Discounts

Customized policies in UBI go beyond coverage options; they also encompass usage-driven discounts. Insurance companies can offer discounts and incentives to policyholders who exhibit safe and responsible driving habits consistently.

For example, policyholders who consistently obey speed limits, avoid aggressive driving behavior, and drive during low-risk hours may qualify for usage-driven discounts. These discounts can significantly reduce insurance premiums, providing an additional financial incentive for safe driving.

The introduction of usage-driven discounts encourages policyholders to actively engage in safer driving practices. It reinforces the idea that responsible driving not only leads to fewer accidents but also leads to lower insurance costs. This alignment of incentives benefits both policyholders and society as a whole by promoting safer roads.

5. Personalized Deductibles

Another aspect of customized policies in UBI is personalized deductibles. Traditional auto insurance policies typically come with fixed deductibles that apply in the event of a claim. However, UBI allows policyholders to personalize their deductibles based on their risk tolerance and financial preferences.

Policyholders who are willing to accept higher deductibles in exchange for lower premiums can adjust their deductibles accordingly. This customization empowers policyholders to find a balance between their desire for cost savings and their comfort level with out-of-pocket expenses in the event of a claim.

For example, a policyholder with substantial savings and a low-risk driving profile may opt for a higher deductible, resulting in lower premiums. On the other hand, someone who prefers lower deductibles for added financial security can choose that option.

6. Incentives for Safe Driving

Customized policies in UBI also open the door to incentives for safe driving. Insurance companies can offer rewards to policyholders who consistently exhibit exemplary driving behavior. These rewards can take various forms, including:

  • Cashback: Policyholders may receive cashback rewards as a percentage of their premiums for safe driving.
  • Discounts on Other Services: Insurance companies can partner with other service providers to offer discounts on services such as vehicle maintenance, fuel, or car rentals to safe drivers.
  • Policy Upgrades: Safe drivers may be eligible for policy upgrades, which provide enhanced coverage options or additional benefits.
  • Reduced Deductibles: As a reward for safe driving, policyholders may have their deductibles reduced, minimizing their financial responsibility in the event of a claim.

Incentives for safe driving not only benefit policyholders but also contribute to overall road safety. By rewarding responsible behavior, UBI programs encourage drivers to adopt safer habits and reduce the frequency of accidents.

7. Real-Time Adjustments

One of the unique aspects of customized policies in UBI is the ability to make real-time adjustments. Policyholders can modify their coverage options, deductibles, and usage-based discounts as their circumstances change.

For instance, if a policyholder starts using their vehicle for business purposes, they can easily adjust their policy to include appropriate coverage for commercial use. Similarly, if their driving habits change, such as driving less frequently during rush hours, they can update their policy to reflect these changes and potentially qualify for additional discounts.

This real-time adjustability ensures that policyholders have insurance coverage that is always in sync with their evolving needs and preferences.

In general, UBI is ushering in an era of fully customized insurance policies that cater to the unique needs and preferences of individual policyholders. Customization extends beyond coverage options to include pay-per-use insurance, event-based coverage, usage-driven discounts, personalized deductibles, incentives for safe driving, and the flexibility to make real-time adjustments. As UBI continues to evolve, policyholders can expect insurance solutions that are not only more tailored to their lifestyles but also more aligned with their goals for financial savings and risk management.

UBI’s Impact on Traditional Insurance Models

Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) is not merely an evolution within the insurance industry; it represents a fundamental shift that challenges and reshapes traditional insurance models. UBI’s impact is felt across various facets of the industry, from pricing strategies to customer engagement and risk assessment.

1. Personalization vs. Standardization

Traditional insurance models are built upon standardized approaches to pricing and risk assessment. Premiums are often determined using broad demographic factors and historical data. UBI, on the other hand, embraces personalization. It assesses risk and calculates premiums based on individual driving behavior and real-time data. This stark contrast underscores the move from one-size-fits-all insurance to tailored coverage that reflects an individual’s specific risk profile.

UBI’s emphasis on personalization is compelling for consumers who desire insurance policies that align closely with their actual needs and habits. This shift has pushed traditional insurance companies to reconsider their pricing strategies and explore ways to incorporate more personalized elements into their offerings.

2. Encouraging Safer Driving

One of the most notable impacts of UBI on traditional insurance models is its role in encouraging safer driving behavior. Traditional insurance policies typically provide static incentives to policyholders, such as no-claims bonuses. UBI, on the other hand, offers dynamic incentives tied directly to driving habits. Safe drivers are rewarded with lower premiums, creating a direct link between responsible behavior and cost savings.

This shift in incentives has a profound effect on how individuals approach their driving habits. UBI encourages policyholders to actively engage in safer behaviors on the road, contributing to a reduction in accidents and insurance claims. Traditional insurers have taken notice of the positive impact on road safety and have started exploring ways to incorporate similar incentives into their models.

3. Data-Driven Insights

UBI’s reliance on data and telematics technology has transformed the way insurers gain insights into risk assessment. Traditional insurers have typically relied on historical data and actuarial methods for risk assessment. UBI, on the other hand, leverages real-time data analysis to assess risk more accurately.

This shift has made it possible to identify high-risk drivers with greater precision and granularity. Insurance companies can offer tailored feedback to policyholders based on their driving behavior, helping them understand and improve their habits. Traditional insurers are also beginning to recognize the potential benefits of data-driven insights and are exploring ways to incorporate data analytics into their risk assessment processes.

4. Challenges to Traditional Pricing

UBI’s impact on traditional insurance models extends to pricing structures. With UBI, premiums are adjusted in real-time based on driving behavior, which challenges the traditional practice of setting fixed premiums for predetermined periods.

This dynamic pricing model, while rewarding safe drivers, can create challenges for policyholders who are accustomed to stable and predictable premiums. Traditional insurers are now faced with the task of finding ways to adapt their pricing structures to accommodate changing consumer preferences for more flexible and responsive premium calculations.

5. Digital Transformation and Customer Engagement

Another significant impact of UBI is its role in driving digital transformation and customer engagement in the insurance industry. UBI relies heavily on technology, with the installation of telematics devices and real-time data analysis. This technological shift has forced traditional insurers to invest in digital infrastructure and adopt more customer-centric approaches.

UBI’s emphasis on data-driven insights and personalized offerings has also driven a renewed focus on customer engagement. Policyholders are provided with regular feedback on their driving habits, fostering a more interactive and engaging relationship with their insurance providers. Traditional insurers are increasingly recognizing the importance of enhancing customer engagement to remain competitive in the evolving insurance landscape.

6. Competition and Market Disruption

UBI has introduced a new wave of competition and market disruption within the insurance industry. Insurtech companies and startups have seized the opportunity to enter the market with innovative UBI offerings. This competition has forced traditional insurers to reevaluate their business models, explore partnerships with technology providers, and innovate to stay competitive.

The disruption caused by UBI has also led to increased consumer choice. Policyholders now have a wider range of insurance options to choose from, ranging from traditional insurers with UBI programs to specialized UBI-focused providers. This expanded choice places greater pressure on traditional insurers to differentiate themselves and offer compelling value propositions.


In conclusion, Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) stands as a transformative force in the auto insurance industry, offering a myriad of benefits and opportunities. With UBI, policyholders can enjoy customized insurance policies that align with their unique needs and preferences, ranging from tailored coverage to event-based options and usage-driven discounts. The era of UBI represents a departure from traditional insurance models, focusing on fairness, incentivizing safe driving, and empowering policyholders to have greater control over their insurance costs. While challenges like privacy concerns and technological barriers persist, the potential for personalized, data-driven insurance solutions remains a powerful catalyst for change in the insurance landscape.


1. Can I use UBI for commercial vehicles?

Yes, many UBI programs offer options for commercial vehicle coverage. By customizing your policy, you can ensure that your commercial vehicles have the appropriate coverage for business use, allowing you to benefit from UBI even in a commercial context.

2. Are UBI programs available for electric and hybrid vehicles?

Absolutely. UBI programs are not limited by the type of vehicle you drive. Whether you have a traditional gasoline-powered car, an electric vehicle (EV), or a hybrid, you can typically enroll in a UBI program and potentially enjoy the benefits of reduced premiums for safe driving.

3. How often does the telematics device transmit data to the insurance company?

The frequency of data transmission can vary among UBI programs, but it’s usually quite frequent, often as often as every trip or even in real-time. This ensures that your driving behavior is accurately assessed, allowing for personalized premium adjustments.

4. Are UBI programs available for new drivers or young drivers with limited experience?

Yes, UBI can be a great option for new and young drivers. It assesses your driving behavior, so if you demonstrate safe habits, you may enjoy lower premiums regardless of your age or experience.

5. What happens if I need to make changes to my UBI policy, such as adding a new vehicle?

UBI policies are designed to be flexible. You can typically make changes to your policy, such as adding a new vehicle or adjusting your coverage, as your circumstances change. It’s advisable to contact your insurance provider directly to discuss and implement any necessary changes to your UBI policy.